Forklift Repair Near Cincinnati

Accelerated Equipment Service Business Card

Looking for forklift service in the Cincinnati area? You will have several choices, but few choices that will actually save you money. There are several dealerships in the area, and they all have risen their labor rates 20% or more over the past few years.

There are very few choices when it comes to independent’s that actually run their operation as a business and have marked vehicles and business insurance.

If you are lucky enough to have found this page, you have found one of the most experienced forklift technicians in the Cincinnati area with the tools and diagnostic skills to get you up and running. All while saving you a tremendous amount of money.

So far, I have saved several companies a few thousand dollars in repairs.


I am an independent forklift technician with over 29 years of experience in the material handling and automotive repair business. Accelerated has completed inspections & maintenance on all makes in material handling equipment. As a technical trainer for Nissan, I can provide customers with the highest quality service at a fair and affordable rate.

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